Cards of Thanks
Providing “Cards of Thanks” after the funeral services have been completed are an appreciated way of offering your thanks to those who have been of assistance during your recent loss.
Expressions of thanks can be expressed in a number of different ways. You may send individual cards to each family, telephone calls, a note in the newspaper or any combination of the above. Quite often an address or phone number is not available, so the insertion of a thank you notice in the newspaper is used to courteously acknowledge the kindness of those who have been supportive to you during this time.
There are many different ways to word the thank you. You may wish to view other thank you notes placed into the paper. Below are the telephone numbers for our local papers.
Kitchener-Waterloo Record: 519-895-5225
Stratford Beacon Herald
The family of the late George Green, wishes to express sincere appreciation for those many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy, and visits to the funeral home during our recent loss of our grandfather. We especially wish to thank Rev. John Doe and the management and staff of the XYZ Funeral Home.
The Green Family
May we send our heartfelt thanks to all who gave so generously of their kindness and sympathy in the death of a loved and respected husband and father. We especially want to thank those who visited us at the funeral home, and shared in the Mass of Christian Burial at St. Martins Church.
Mrs. Henly O’Reilly and Children
We wish to thank our friends for their many acts of kindness, words of comfort, messages of sympathy, flowers and Mass offerings in our bereavement.
Mrs. Hazel Brown and Family
John Smith and family wish to express their appreciation for the kindness, comfort received during the illness of a beloved wife and mother.
The family of the late John White
To our friends and co-workers, we extend our sincere thanks for the many acts of kindness received on the occasion of the death of our mother. Your visits to the funeral home, and condolences offered, will never be forgotten. We also want to thank Father John White and Mr./Miss/Mrs. R. Smith of the Smith Funeral Home and Staff.
The Luciano Family